dimecres, 7 de gener del 2015


1. Modals and auxiliary verbs are non-lexical verbs that bring syntactic values to the main verb. Some of them can also work like lexical verbs, for example ser (=’be’), and other do not, for example poder (=’can’). The cluster of one or more auxiliary-modal verbs is known as periphrastic conjugation

2. Ser + Vparticiple is used to express the passive voice:

la seva opinió va ser rebutjada
his/her opinion was rejected
la ciutat serà declarada patrimoni de la humanitat
the city will be declared world heritage

3. Anar + Vinfinitive is used to express simple past; in this case, the auxiliary is used just in the present tense, yet it always expresses a past time:

vaig perdre la cartera al metro
I lost my wallet in the underground
us van invitar a la festa?
were you invited to the party?

4. Haver has two main uses.

a) Haver + Vparticiple to form compound (perfect tenses)

has vist la meva camisa blava
have you seen my blue shirt?
quan vas venir, jo encara no havia arribat
when you came, I hadn’t come yet

b) Haver de + Vinfinitive to express obligation or advice (in conditional)

hauries de caminar més
you should walk more
he de fer un viatge i no en tinc ganes
I must make a trip and I don’t feel like

5. Estar + Vgerund to form continuous tenses:

estic mirant el preu d’aquests pantalons
I’m having a look at the price of these trousers
no us esteu comportant bé
you aren’t behaving properly

6. Deure+ Vinfinitive to express:

ja deuen ser quarts de deu
it must already be half past nine
deuen venir d’ací a poc
they must be coming soon

7. Poder + Vinfinitive to express ability and also permission (including polite questions)

no puc llevar-me tan d’hora
I can’t get up so early
el meu germà no pot beure llet
my brother can’t drink milk
no pots sortir d’ací sense permís
you may not get out of here without permission
puc pagar amb la targeta?
can I pay with credit card?
em sap greu, però no es pot
sorry, but it’s not possible

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