divendres, 12 de desembre del 2014


1. Interrogator

>    On (=where)

on vius?
where do you live?
cap a on vas?
where are going?
d’on véns?
where do you come from?

2. Adverbs

>    ací >< allí/allà

ací no hi ha ningú
there’s nobody here
anem cap allà
let’s go there
i allí no hi tenim família
we have no family there

There is one more adverb, aquí, which is often mistaken with ací. Actually in some geolects the three-degree deixis distinction is kept: ací, aquí, allí/allà.

3. Prepositions expressing time

>    a (=in, at).

vaig a casa
I’m going home
no m’agrada anar amb cotxe a la platja
I don’t like driving to the beach
hem arribat a un lloc fantàstic
we’ve arrived at a wonderful place

>    cap a (= to, towards, into).

gira cap a la dreta
turn right
anaven cap a la frontera
they were driving into the border

>    de (=of, from)

vinc de Terrassa
I’m coming from Terrassa
el cotxe ha sortit de Girona fa una hora
the car left from Girona an hour ago

> (des) de (= from)

(des) de Barcelona a València hi ha tres hores de cotxe
it takes three hours driving from Barcelona to Valencia
venim del mar
we’re coming from the seaside

> per (=through, along)

la carretera no passa per la ciutat
the road doesn’t go along the town
passem pel túnel
let’s go through the tunnel

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