1. Interrogator
> Quantes vegades (=how many times)
> Amb quina freqüència (=how often)
quantes vegades has vingut per ací?
how often have you come around?
amb quina freqüència et fan les proves a l’hospital
how often do you take the tests at hospital?
2. Adverbs
> sovint (=often, frequently)
viatjo sovint a Galícia
I often travel to Galicia
no els veig sovint
I don’t see them frequently
> de vegades (=at time, sometimes)
de vegades pareixes imbècil
at times you look like stupid
el periòdic només el compro de vegades
I just buy the newspaper from time to time
> sempre
sempre he usat aquesta marca
I’ve always used this mark
espero que siguis sempre feliç
I expect you’ll always be happy
> mai
mai no em llevo abans les 10
I never get up before 10
no els he vist mai
I’ve never seen them
3. The expression of frequency may be represented by
means of a table:
quasi sempre
almost always
(molt) sovint
(very) often
de vegades
at times, ever
poc sovint
not very often
algunes vegades
some times
quasi mai
almost never
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