1. Interrogator
quan (=when)
a quina hora (=what time)
quan arribeu?
when are you arriving?
i quan van trucar?
and when did they call?
a quina hora us lleveu?
what time do you get up?
2. Adverbs
> ara (=now)
Ara no tinc temps de parlar
Now I don’t have time to
Ara que hi penso
Now that I think it
> abans
>< després, més tard (=before,
afterwards, later)
Abans jo era fumador
In the past I used to smoke
Ja us veuré després
I’ll see you later
> ja
This is besides a emphatic particle used with no temporal value.
Ja s’ha acabat el curs
The course is already over
Ja t’ho diran ells (no time value)
They’ll let you know
> llavors,
aleshores (=then), en aquest/aquell moment (=in this/that moment)
i aleshores m’ho va confessar
and then (s)he confessed it
to me
en aquell moment no li vaig saber respondre
I couldn’t give him/her an
answer in that moment
two adverbs also work as discourse markers, which are commonly used to
introduced new sentences within the paragraph, equivalent to English: then,
thus, therefore.
> ahir,
avui, demà (=yesterday, today, tomorrow)
ahir tenia mal de cap
yesterday I had a headache
avui no vull fer res
today I don’t feel like
doing anything
anireu al cinema demà?
will you go to the cinema tomorrow?
> aviat/d’hora
>< tard
(=soon / early, late)
ho comprendràs aviat
you’ll understand it soon
sempre em llevo molt d’hora
I always get up early
encara no és massa tard
it’s not too late yet
3. Linkers
(prepositions and conjunctions) expressing time
a (=in, at, on).
a les sis
at six
al vespre
in the evening
a l’estiu
in the summer
al març
in March
de (=at)
de dia
at daytime
de nit
at night-time
durant (=during)
durant la conferència no l’he vist
I haven’t seen him during
the lecture
durant aquestes jornades
throughout these seasons
des (de) (=since).
des de l’any passat
since last year
des que et conec
since I know you
en (=in, on, within).
ho ha fet en dues hores
(s)he’s done it in two hours
sóc en vaga
I’m on strike
no me l’he trobat en tot l’any
I haven’t met him during the whole year
fa (=ago),
(des) de fa (=for), des que (=since)
l’he vista fa tres hores
I’ve seen her three hours
no l’he vista des de fa tres hores
I haven’t seen her for three
no l’he vista des que va arribar
I haven’t seen her since she got in
mentre (=while)
mentre jo cuino, tu fes neta/neteja la taula
while I cook, you clean the
mentre tingui ús de la raó, no ho permetré
while I stay on my feet, I
won’t allow it
4. Most previous adverbs may also work like
prepositions. Some of them become compound preposition when followed by
preposition de, though some of them may undergo certain
morphological transformations:
davant casa meva
in front of my house
after two hours
5. The gerund often has a time value. A similar
structured is achieved with en + infinitive (en
arribar = (when) arriving)
tornant cap a casa, vam veure un accident
while coming back home, we
witnessed an accident
en arribar a casa, només vull pau
when arriving home, I just
want calm
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