divendres, 29 d’agost del 2014


1. There are two types of possessives in Catalan: unstressed and stressed.

2. Unstressed possessives have a restricted use. They are mainly to be found with family nouns and some given expressions.

This is its paradigm, foremost used with one possessor:

MASC.     mon
FEM.        ma
MASC.     mos
FEM.        mes

MASC.     ton
FEM.        ta
MASC.     tos
FEM.        tes
          MASC. son
FEM.   sa

MASC.     sos
FEM.        ses

3. Examples thereof:

sa mare treballa a una empresa americana
Her mother works at an American firm
mon pare s’ha comprat un cotxe nou
My father has bought a new car
tos fills són molt simpàtics
Your children are pretty nice
en ma casa (just Valencian; otherwise: a casa meva) tenim de tot
In my house we have everything
No ho he vist en ma vida
I have never seen it (literally: in my life)

Anyway, the last example may be used with the stressed possessive, as well.

4. Stressed possessives are used in the rest of the cases. Besides, even the previous type of possessives may substituted by these ones. Stressed possessives may be used either predicatively or attributively.

Besides, these possessives are preceded by the definite article when used attributively

el meu cotxe no arranca
my car doesn’t start
ho deixo tot en les seves mans
I leave everything in his/her hands
qui és la vostra amiga
who is your friend?
han perdut el nostre equipatge
they’ve lost our luggage

Unlike English or German, Catalan –like the rest of Romance languages– does not distinguish the possessor’s gender in the third person singular (comp. EN his, her, its; DE sein, ihr).

5. Its paradigm for one possessor is as follows:

MASC.     meu
FEM.        meva
 MASC.     meus
 FEM.        meves
MASC.     teu
FEM.        teva
 MASC.     teus
 FEM.        teves
MASC.     seu
FEM.        seva
 MASC.     seus
 FEM.        seves

6. The forms meva, meves, teva, teves, seva, seves may be found under the variant meua, meues, teua, teues, seua, seues foremost in Valencia.

7. The paradigm for several possessors is as follows:

MASC.     nostre
FEM.        nostra
 MASC.     nostres
 FEM.        nostres
MASC.     vostre
FEM.        vostra
 MASC.     vostres
 FEM.        vostres
MASC.     seu
FEM.        seva
 MASC.     seus
 FEM.        seves

8. There exist the forms llur (sing.) and llurs for the 3rd person, but they turn up to be quite literary, even archaic, not to be found in the spoken language.

9. The current trend is that stressed possessives tend to replace unstressed ones in Catalan.

10. There are a few uses to be taken into account. Certain prepositions ruling out genitive require the possessive pronoun in masculine singular (en contra ‘against’; davant ‘in front of’; a la vora ‘by’):

tots van en contra meva
All of them against me
no hi ha ningú devant meu
There’s no one in front of me
seu ací a la vora meu
Sit down here by me

11. The word casa is generally used followed by the possessive feminine without any article:

Teniu cervesa a casa vostra?
Do you have any beer at home (in your house)?
A casa meva no mengem carn
We don’t eat meat at home

12. The predicative use of possessives may require or not a defined article. Verbs like tenir make it mandatory:

no em cal cap nova assegurança, ja en tinc una
I need no new assurance, I already have mine.
tu ja tens el teu? (> el bitllet)
Have you got yours yet? (> the ticket)
la meva és nova de trinca (> la camisa)
Mine is brand-new (> the shirt)

Instead, verbs like ser accept both the presence and the lack of definite article. Observe the difference between:

aquell cotxe d’allà és meu
That car over there is mine
aquell cotxe d’allà és el meu
That car over there is mine

The difference between the two previous sentences is basically pragmatic; it lies on the fact that in the first example the car is introduced in the conversation for the first time, whilst the second sentence includes the article because the car had been previously introduced in the speech.

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