1. Adjectives and adverbs are also graduated by means of certain adverbs
called intensifiers. This is the table of the main ones:
1.1. To indicate “much”
1.1.1. Molt (=very)
la gent és molt amable ací
people are very kind around here
vau arribar molt d’hora
you came very soon
1.1.2. Ben, Força (=very)
la gent és ben/ força amable ací
people are very kind around here
vau arribar ben / força ràpid
you came very quickly
1.1.3. Prou
la camisa és prou llarga
the shirt is long enough
ja n’hi ha prou!
(that’s) enough!
1.1.4. Massa
(=too, rather)
la camisa és massa llarga
the shirt is too long
és una idea massa arriscada
it’s a too risky idea
1.2. To indicate “little”
1.2.1. Poc
estic poc habituat a aquest clima
I am little used to this climate
és poc probable que vinguin
it’s little probable they come
This intensifier may be reinforced with molt or ben
estic molt poc habituat a aquest clima
I am little used to this climate
és molt poc probable que vinguin
it’s little probable they come
1.2.2. Un poc, una mica (=a little, a bit)
estic una mica cansat
I’m a little tired
em sembla un poc fort
I find it a little strong
2. Nouns also admit modifiers to graduate. As a matter of fact, they are partitives in most cases. The list of them is virtually the same used for
adjectives and adverbs, with a morpho-syntactic difference: in a few cases the
intensifier may be inflected (molt, poc)
2.1. To indicate “much/many”
2.1.1. Molt,
molta, molts, moltes; molt de (=much/many)
tinc molts alumnes enguany
this year I have many students
tu tens molt de temps, no?
you’ve a lot of time, haven’t you?
2.1.2. Prou
no tinc prou força per lluitar
I don’t have enough strength to fight
han vingut prou turistes
there are enough tourists around
2.1.3. Massa
(=too much/many)
has ficat massa oli a la carn
you’ve put too much oil to the meat
hi ha massa persones ací
there are too many people in here
2.1.4. Un
grapat de (=a lot of)
avui ací hi ha un grapat de gent
today there are a lot of people
m’han regalat un grapat de revistes
I’ve been given a lot of magazines
2.2. To indicate “little”
2.2.1. Poc,
poca, pocs, poques (=little/few)
avui teniu poques idees
today you’ve got few ideas
em queda poc temps
I’ve got little time left
This intensifier may be reinforced with molt, as well
avui teniu molt poques idees
today you’ve got too few ideas
em queda molt poc temps
I’ve got too little time left
2.2.2. Uns
pocs, unes poques (=a few)
I’ve known a few friends over there
espera’t unes poques hores encara
just wait for a few hours
2.2.3. Un poc de, una mica de (=a little)
vols una mica d’aigua?
do you want a little water?
no tens una mica de cafè
don’t you have a little coffee?
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